Recent Activities
GRM Program Completion Report (張 文煜 ZHANG WENYU)
The GRM Program Completion Report of Mr. ZHANG WENYU has been held.
In the training in Miyakojima and Beppu, he learned about resources such as water source management and geothermal energy.
In fieldwork in Kamiyama Town, Tokushima Prefecture he discussed and proposed the revitalization of depopulating areas.
In order to prevent the potential transmission of the novel coronavirus,
we held GRM Completion Report using the WEB meeting system “ZOOM” at the same time.
Date and Time:
14 July 2021, Wednesday, 13:45-14:30
IMADEGAWA (Karasuma) Campus: Shikokan GRM Common Room (2F),
KYOTANABE Campus: Hochikan GRM Common Room (1F)
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