Recent Activities
On-site Group Work in Belgium (2024/8/25-9/1)
The joint On-site Practice by GRM in Belgium was held from August 25th to September 1st, 2024.
Ten students of GRM ‘On-site Group Work’ and four young Daikin researchers participated in the on-site practice in Belgium. Under the theme ‘Collaboration and innovation for clean energy transition: connecting technology, society, and actions for a change towards carbon neutrality’, the participants visited local company, universities and international organizations to learn about European clean energy policies, their respective initiatives and the challenges they face.
At Daikin Europe, the participants visited the EDC (EMEA Development Centre), which is under construction on the campus of Ghent University, and the headquarters plant in Ostend. At Ghent University, they received a lecture on the initiatives of the city of Ghent and visited the site of demonstration experiments taking place at the university. In Brussels, in addition to a visit to the European Parliament, the European Commission and the JETRO Brussels office provided lectures on European environmental and energy issues.
The participants are divided into three groups and required to identify issues from what they have learnt during the visits, and to seek solutions based on their own expertise. The outcomes of this fieldwork will be presented by groups at the final presentation session on September 10th.
Aug.25-Sep.1, 2024
Gent, Ostend, Brussels in Belgium
Collaboration and innovation for clean energy transition: connecting technology, society, and actions for a change towards carbon neutrality
【Cooperating agency】
Daikin Industries, Ltd.
Daikin Europe N.V.
Gent University
Aug.25 (Sun)
Evening) Departure from KIX (Transit at Helsinki)
Aug.26 (Mon)
AM) Arrival at Brussel and move to Gent
PM) Daikin Europe: Visit to Gent office and EDC(under construction)
Aug.27 (Tue)
AM) Daikin Europe: Visit to Ostend plant
PM) Daikin Europe: Lectures and home visit
Aug.28 (Wed)
AM) Gent University: Lecture by Gent City
PM) Move to Brussels
Aug.29 (Thu)
AM) Visit to European Parliament (Hemicycle & Parliamentarium)
PM) Lectures at JETRO Brussels Office
Aug.30 (Fri)
AM) Lectures at European Commission
PM) Group Work
Aug.31 (Sat)
AM) Departure from Brussels (Transit at Helsinki)
Sep.1 (Sun)
PM) Arrival at KIX