
Recent Activities

GRM Fieldwork in UN organizations and World Bank

Preliminary Lecture
Date:May 16 (Fri), 2014
Venue:IMADEGAWA (Karasuma Campus) Shikokan SK119
Lecturer:Ms. Mehrnaz Mostafavi (Human Security Unit, United Nations)
Date:June 8 (Sun)-14 (Sat), 2014
Venue:New York, Washington D.C.
<DAY 1>
Depart from Narita International Airport
Arrival in New York
<DAY 2>
Visiting UNOCHA, UN Headquarters, UN Women, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, and International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect (ICRtoP).
<DAY 3>
・Observation of Ground Zero and 911 Memorial Museum
・Visiting UNDP
<DAY 4>
・Arrival at Washington,D.C.
<DAY 5>
・Visiting World Bank
<DAY 6-7>
・Return to Japan

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