
Recent Activities

GRM International Conference: The Global Abyss in the Middle East

The Global Abyss in the Middle East:
What can we do to save the people of the region?

What happened in Aleppo?

Date: February 17 (Friday), 2017  13:00-17:00
Venue: Chapel in Divinity Hall Shingakukan 3F, IMADEGAWA Campus, Doshisha University

The conference focused on the latest events in Aleppo, Syria, as well as the subsequent repercussions at regional and global levels.


The main guest speaker was Mr. Talha Keskin, a senior representative of the well-known Turkish NGO, IHH (the Foundation for Freedom, Human Rights and Humanitarian Relief). IHH has been active in providing vital humanitarian assistance during the evacuation of civilians from eastern Aleppo last December, 2016.

Mr. Talha Keskin talked about most recent developments such as IHH's humanitarian role during the evacuation from Aleppo, the ongoing/present humanitarian situation in Aleppo and the resultant exodus of refugees within Syrian and next-door Turkey.


Through the open discussion, the guests gave wider information: refugees’ mental dimension and camp management and they had an enthusiastic discussion with the audience.


Through the speeches and talks of the researchers of the Middle East region, students could see the real situation of Syria and the neighbors, Afghanistan refugees, number of refugees accepted by Turkey, Europe, and Japan, and what else we can do.

GRM Students will visit Europe and continue to learn this problem on site in March. See here.

13:00-13:30  Opening remark
Prof. Masanori Naito (Graduate School of Global Studies)

13:30-14:30  Keynote speech
Mr. Mustafa Talha Keskin (IHH: Humanitarian Relief Foundation)

14:30-14:40  Intermission

14:40-17:00  Open discussion
Prof. Masanori Naito (Graduate School of Global Studies)
Dr. Iyas Salim (Graduate School of Global Studies)

17:00-17:10  Closing remark
Dr. Iyas Salim (Graduate School of Global Studies)

Thank you very much for all the participants!

[2.17 GRM International Conference: Leaflet]

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