
Recent Activities

On-site Group Work: Preparatory Lectures

Following the visit of Daikin a day before, Doshisha University and Daikin jointly conducted preparatory lectures at Shiko-kan, Karasuma Campus, Doshisha University.

In addition to the university professors, two Filipino guest lecturers were invited to teach about various aspects of the Philippines, such as its natural environment, water resources, environmental issues, as well as cultural and social aspects, including regional development by the government. The students also learned about the mechanisms of air conditioning, particularly the heat exchange processincluding some basic calculations. At times, Daikin researchers provided additional explanations, making it a practical learning experience. All lectures and Q&A sessions were conducted in English. Although some found it challenging to learn in English about topics outside their expertise, it served as good preparation for the on-site practice in the Philippines.

Having met each other for two consecutive days, the Doshisha students and Daikin researchers seemed to have established a friendly atmosphere. At the end of the two-day pre-learning session, Professor Oyamada announced the groups and the assigned tasks. Three diverse groups were formed, consisting of students from different academic years, nationalities, fields of study, affiliations, and native languages. The core theme of the upcoming Philippines on-site practice is "Collaboration and Co-creation in Developing Countries from the Perspective of the 'Next Environment.'"

During the 5-day practical training starting at the end of August, each group will discuss from different perspectives and approaches based on what they observe and experience on-site. They will identify the challenges faced by the Philippines and work collaboratively within their groups to find solutions, considering the local circumstances.

The learning outcomes of the Philippines on-site practice will be presented at the final report session on Friday, September 15th.

On-Site Practice
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