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GRM Lecture Series: "United Nations at 70: Challenges to peace and human rights"

2nd GRM Lecture series 2015
"United Nations at 70: Challenges to peace and human rights"

Date: June 8 MON, 2015  12:20-13:50
Venue: Shikokan SK118, IMADEGAWA (Karasuma Campus), Doshisha University
Speaker: Professor Vesselin Popovski (Proffesor and vice dean, Jindai Global University, and senior advisor of the United Nations University)

He served as a professor, Senior Academic Officer of United Nations University Tokyo.  Also, head of Section ‘Peace and Security’; From 2010 also Head of UNU Press.
His core class is ‘International Peace and Security’ and ‘UN System and Global Challenges’.
He gives occasional lectures in International Peace and Security, International Political Economy, Sustainable Development, UN System at Keio, Waseda, Tsukuba Universities, etc.
