GRM Students’ Reports
GRM Program Completion Report
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Mohammed Awad HAJJAJ
Technological innovation plays a vital role in the economic development and growth of societies. Smart systems and artificial intelligence still cause a big concern in introducing to different aspects of daily life. Intelligent system design is a big concept that applies to various viewpoints of users. Despite hiring the creative system design to play an affected role for the communities and societies, the intelligent system design is considered by economic issue to enhance the economical society performance.
Intelligent system design is the main topic of the ergonomic ecosystem for organizations, firms, and houses. The smart system has emerged as a robust design of the ergonomic system and the innovation ecosystem. Innovation and emerging technologies involve intelligent models to boost the ergonomic system of technological solutions in companies and organizations.
The intelligent system design causes concern for improving the intellectual productivity of the personal ergonomic system. Performance and productivity have considered and played a significant level of importance for workplace environments. In the office and firms, technological designs are changed rapidly. The goals of introducing technology are to support the ergonomic ecosystem and engage the primary elements of intelligent systems development.
My Ph.D. theme is introducing an intelligent lighting system to provide a comfortable personal lighting environment for the workplace using the evaluation and biological information of workers. Most organizations are seeking to find the best efficient of using electricity in the workplace. The green economy is the most important purpose for that to reduce energy pollution and energy consumption. Sustainable lighting is a system designed with energy-efficient energy sources. There are simple design strategies and some materials that can facilitate the energy-saving advantages of natural light. The significant impact is enhancing in using the adequate processing of the user data and finding the best solution to the lighting technology in workspaces environments.
Lighting control systems have effects on the workplace environment in different ways: visual functions; emotional perception; and biological effects, so it can play the main role on ergonomic principles which may have a positive influence on performance, personal good health being, and the intellectual productivity of users. The lighting system does not only support the visual perception of workers but also has an impact on the emotional and psychic biological of humans. A good lighting control system in the workplace that able the users to adjust the desire of illuminance and color temperature has a positive impact on the motivation and performance of users.
The doctoral research studies the appropriate perspectives of using the intelligent lighting system as an application and solution of the smart design in the office workspace. The research aims to argue the concept of the innovative model and hiring the system in the office. Ergonomics is a part of the daily life of the workplace. The ergonomics design field allows the workers and stakeholders to interact with the systems. The idea comes from the relationship between the system performs and user behavior in the office. The relationship between the model and stakeholders helps with different office aspects, covering technology resources management, saving energy, and being healthy. The traditional lighting system in the office is one model of the technology, and the office design can install a new model of the lighting control system. Therefore, some policies to change the design are required to install the new technology based on the user data and system design.
During the GRM courses and activities, I could be well equipped to handle a variety of issues related to the community roles. Specifically, my area of expertise and concentration of study was in information technology topics, therefore I can offer a unique insight into the challenges which the community might face throughout other fields. Participating in different onsite training and working with different groups and projects, my skills have been improved and I have obtained a strong chance to develop my skills in research and scientific life which I use professional competence to develop society to be better. Involving in different projects with the GRM activities is a challenge because I could work to change the issue to be an expected solution of society.
GRM program continues to highlight the clear vision and the goals beyond the threshold of a beautiful region that I live by, especially crisis areas. By completing the GRM program, I have been aspired to be more active with energetic, enthusiastic, and more dynamic to work in different aspects of research and development in the field of data analysis and artificial intelligence area. I have got more confident that I can perform towards the goals of the emerging societies.
My doctoral study concentrates also on how to reduce energy consumption using the technology, besides using the data analysis to improve performance and boost productivity of societies. My interest has been increased more in the biological field and data science through doing a Ph.D. and continuing in the GRM program. GRM has revived my research in multidisciplinary fields. The integration between different aspects of applied science and social studies carry out the goals to work together in one framework so that the program helps me to know more about social and humanities issues, and how can we use applied science to apply in different societies. I believe the program will be a stimulating environment in which to work more after the study of Ph.D., especially working in the different aspects of data science related to the user data analysis.
GRM program and the activities give me a chance to work for domestic or global communities as a leader where I contribute with my skills to assist in addressing conflict issues for the people. However, I could acquire the necessary knowledge, integrating both the natural sciences and the social sciences, to work alongside people facing life-threatening situations. I could be more qualified, demonstrate success in respecting the skills, as well gain a competitive edge with other people. Besides, I can be able to improve the social network and improve my discipline and business network, which I can help or support people more. It has been amazing for me to work alongside many top-notch researchers at different public and nongovernmental organizations or one of the world’s leading research centers.
Standing at this point, the GRM program and the activities are a great platform to let me think more about how to contribute and build a good resource for information technology and move the new technology from developed countries to developing countries by forming a partnership with relevant and organizations in both countries. Now I can be able to get the new knowledge of working in different societies, as well to promote the new resources or implement the new projects for people in the crisis area. Besides, I can contribute to reducing the crisis of the current situation in society by using innovative technology.